Diffusion Models

Shivansh Baveja

Project Description

In this project we will be motivating and implementing diffusion models for the purposes of denoising and conditional image generation.

Part 0: Setup

In this beginning portion of the project we will be using the DeepFloyd IF diffusion model. This model, trained by Stability AI, is a two part model whose first part produces images of 64px x 64px and the second which upsamples to 256px x 256px. For sake of simplicity and compute constraints, all figures presented below will be rendered at the lower 64px x 64px resolution.

Note that DeepFloyd is a text-to-image model, and that the following images are generated with the text constraint, "a high quality photo". The below generations give us some insight into how this model works, and specifically how the number of inference steps affects the outputs. Further note that these were generated with seed = 180.

Notice that—generally speaking—the images generated with 100 inference steps are more photo-realistic and clearer than those generated with only 20. Take for example the images of the "man in the hat," which is far clearer in the version with 100 inference steps. Similar logic can be applied to the "oil painting of a snowy mountain village."

"an oil painting of a snowy mountain village" "a man wearing a hat" "a rocket ship"
num_inference_steps=20 Oil painting with 20 steps Man wearing a hat with 20 steps Rocket ship with 20 steps
num_inference_steps=100 Oil painting with 100 steps Man wearing a hat with 100 steps Rocket ship with 100 steps

Part 1: Sampling Loops

Part 1.1: Forward Process

To fully understand the utility of diffusion models, it is important to understand the crux of how diffusion models work. We start with an image, say \(x_0\), and we recursively add gaussian noise to it to get noisier and noisier images. We can express this as the following recurrence relation.

$$x_{i+1} = x_i + z, \quad \text{where } z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$$

We do this for some finite number of timesteps \(T\), where we now have \(x_0\) as the original, clean image and \(x_T\) as the noisiest image. Notice that for the DeepFloyd models, \(T = 1000\), and that the exact amount of noise added at each timestep is determined by noise coefficients, \({\alpha}_t\).

Notice that using the recursive defintion, we get the following.

$$x_t = \sqrt{\alpha_t} x_{t-1} + \sqrt{1 - \alpha_t} \epsilon_{t-1}, \quad \epsilon_{t-1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$$

However, computing this for large \(t\) can become inefficient, and so we can reparameterize this equation as follows. Define the following.

$$\bar{\alpha}_t = \prod_{s=1}^t \alpha_s$$

This allows us to compute \(x_t\) directly through properties of normally distributions, and we can now compute it as the following.

$$x_t = \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t} x_0 + \sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha}_t} \epsilon, \quad \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)$$

Using this formula, we can compute various noisy versions of the campanile as shown below.

Image at t = 0
t = 0
Image at t = 250
t = 250
Image at t = 500
t = 500
Image at t = 750
t = 750

Part 1.2: Classical Denoising

Before turning to diffusion models for denoising, we will try and use our trusted gaussian blur filtering. Depicted below are the three noisy images from above with a gaussian blur for denoising. Notice that this doesn't really work at all, as it doesn't recover any of the orignal structure, only further blurs the already distorted image.

Image at t = 0
Image at t = 250
Image at t = 500
Image at t = 750
Image at t = 0
t = 0
Image at t = 250
t = 250
Image at t = 500
t = 500
Image at t = 750
t = 750

Part 1.3: One-Step Denoising

We we will now use a pretrained denoising network to try and denoise these images. Notice that the model will output an estimate of the noise, which we will then have to scale appropriately before subtracting from the image. Recall that we can simply rearrange the earlier equation to get the following.

$$ x_0 = \frac{x_t - \sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha}_t} \epsilon}{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}} $$

Using this formula, we get the following contrast between the original image in the top row, noisy image in the middle, and denoised image in the bottom row. Notice that though it's not perfect, it works far better than the gaussian blur from earlier.

Original image
Original image
Original image
Noisy image t=250
Noisy image t=500
Noisy image t=750
One-Step Denoised
Image 1.3 t=250
t = 250
Image 1.3 t=500
t = 500
Image 1.3 t=750
t = 750

Part 1.4: Iterative Denoising

Though this one-step denoising performed far better than the gaussian blur from earlier, we can still do much better. Consider that if instead of removing all of the predicted noise at once, we removed a smaller portion of this noise and then reconsidered what noise was left with the new image we had. If we performed this operation recursively, intuitively it would produce a clearer image. However, there is a tradeoff between compute and clarity. As you may recall, the DeepFloyd models were trained with \(T=1000\), which is a large number of steps to denoise one-by-one. As such, we will take the middle ground and instead estimate the noise in certain fixed-length intervals. In the case of this project, we will be using 30 timesteps as our stride length.

The following formula allows us to estimate \(n\) timesteps of noise with the following generalizations.

$$x_{t'} = \frac{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t'}}\beta_t}{1 - \bar{\alpha}_t} x_0 + \frac{\sqrt{\alpha_t}(1 - \bar{\alpha}_{t'})}{1 - \bar{\alpha}_t} x_t + v_\sigma $$

Using this formulation, we get the following sequence of denoised images.

Image from 1.1/750
Noisy Image
Image from 1.4/690
Step 10
Image from 1.4/540
Step 15
Image from 1.4/390
Step 20
Image from 1.4/240
Step 25
Image from 1.4/90
Step 30

We can compare the results of this procedure to our other attempts.

Original Image
Iteratively Denoised Image
Iteratively Denoised
Gaussian Blur
Gaussian Blur
One-Step Denoised Image
One-Step Denoised

Notice that we have once again improved dramatically, and that the iteratively denoised image is far clearer than the one-step denoised version.

Part 1.5: Diffusion Model Sampling

We will begin our further exploration into diffusion models by sampling a few images from them with the text prompt, a high quality image. The results are shown below.

Sample 0
Sample 0
Sample 1
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 4

Though these results aren't terrible, they are definitely not very photo-realistic either. We will see that we can do better.

Part 1.6: Classifier Free Guidance

We will now implement something known as classifier free guidance. This can be thought of as a method of pushing the model to predict noise more extremely conditioned on our text prompt. The formula for the new noise estimate is as below, where \(\epsilon_c\) is the conditional noise estimate and \(\epsilon_u\) is the unconditional noise estimate. In Classifier Free Guidance (CFG), \(\lambda > 1\).

$$ \epsilon = \epsilon_u + \gamma (\epsilon_c - \epsilon_u) $$

We can understand this equation by thinking of the difference between the two estimates to be the vector direction representing the essence of the prompt. As such, we push the noise further in this direction by increasing \(\lambda\).

The below images were generated with GFG, and they are noticeably more visually consistent and clearer than those we generated earlier.

Sample 0
Sample 0
Sample 1
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 4

Part 1.7: Image to Image Translation

With what we have developed so far, we can implement a new way of "editing" images. Namely, we can add some noise to an image and then denoise it to edit it. We do this with a few images and the results are depicted below. Note that the value of i_startindexes into the array strided_timesteps[] where lower indices represent more noisy timesteps and higher indices represent less noisy timesteps. As such, the higher the value of i_start, the less noisy the image.

i_start = 1 i_start = 3 i_start = 5 i_start = 7 i_start = 10 i_start = 20 Original
Image 1
Image 3
Image 5
Image 7
Image 10
Image 20
Curry 1
Curry 3
Curry 5
Curry 7
Curry 10
Curry 20
Mountain 1
Mountain 3
Mountain 5
Mountain 7
Mountain 10
Mountain 20

Part 1.7.1: Editing Hand Drawing and Animated Images

We continue the same proceduce of adding noise and denoising to "edit" but now on animated and hand drawn images.

i_start=1 i_start=3 i_start=5 i_start=7 i_start=10 i_start=20 Original
Cow 1
Cow 3
Cow 5
Cow Original
Cow 10
Cow 20
Cow Original
Duck 1
Duck 3
Duck 5
Duck Original
Duck 10
Duck 20
Duck Original
Scenery 1
Scenery 3
Scenery 5
Scenery Original
Scenery 10
Scenery 20
Scenery Original

Part 1.7.2: Inpainting

We now consider a more selective version of editing known as inpainting. In this version, we use a mask to convey to the model which regions of the image we would like to edit. More specifically, regions that the mask does not want edited are reverted to match the original image after each denoising step.

Resulting of inpainting various different images are shown below.

Original Mask Inpainted
Campanile Original
Campanile Mask
Campanile Inpainted
Lego Original
Lego Mask
Lego Inpainted
Dog Original
Dog Mask
Dog Inpainted

Part 1.7.3: Text-Conditional Image-to-image Translation

Recall that the DeepFloyd models are text conditioned. As such, we use text prompts to "guide" SDEdit in a certain way and inspire its changes. The results of this for the prompt, "a rocket ship" are shown below.

i_start = 1 i_start = 3 i_start = 5 i_start = 7 i_start = 10 i_start = 20 Original
Dog i_start = 1
Dog i_start = 3
Dog i_start = 5
Dog i_start = 7
Dog i_start = 10
Dog i_start = 20
Dog Original
Lego i_start = 1
Lego i_start = 3
Lego i_start = 5
Lego i_start = 7
Lego i_start = 10
Lego i_start = 20
Lego Original
Rocket i_start = 1
Rocket i_start = 3
Rocket i_start = 5
Rocket i_start = 7
Rocket i_start = 10
Rocket i_start = 20
Rocket Original

Part 1.8: Visual Anagrams

We can do other interesting things with diffusion models such as creating images that are two different things right side up and upside down. These are known as visual anagrams. The procedure for generating these images with a diffusion model is relatively straightforward. The essence of the procedure is that the used noise estimate is the average of two separate estimates. One of these estimates is the normal noise estimate conditioned on a certain text prompt p1. The other noise estimate is conditioned on a flipped version of the image and the second text prompt. As such, the image is pushed into a region of the image manifold that represents two different structures in different orientations. The explicit formulas are given below.

$$\epsilon_1 = \text{UNet}(x_t, t, p_1) \\ $$ $$\epsilon_2 = \text{flip}(\text{UNet}(\text{flip}(x_t), t, p_2)) $$ $$ \epsilon = (\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2) / 2$$

A few of my generated visual anagrams are depicted below.

an oil painting of people around a campfire
Old Man
an oil painting of an old man
a photo of a dog
a photo of a man
a lithograph of a skull
a lithograph of waterfalls

Part 1.9: Hybrid Images

We can do something similar to generate hybrid images. In this version, we again get two separate noise estimates conditioned on different text prompt. This time, however, instead of directly averaging we take a lowpass of one and a highpass of the other before combining. The explicit representations of this process are given below.

$$ \epsilon_1 = \text{UNet}(x_t, t, p_1) $$ $$ \epsilon_2 = \text{UNet}(x_t, t, p_2) $$ $$ \epsilon = f_{\text{lowpass}}(\epsilon_1) + f_{\text{highpass}}(\epsilon_2) $$

A few of my generated hybrid images are shown below.

Normal-sized Image 1
Harry Potter
Small Image 1
Albert Einstein
Normal-sized Image 2
Small Image 2
Water Wheel
Normal-sized Image 3
Small Image 3

Part 2: Diffusion Models from Scratch

Part 2.1: Training a Single-Step Denoising UNet

In this part of the project, we train a denoising UNet from scratch on the MNIST digits dataset. This denoiser will map a noisy version of an MNIST digit to a clear, denoised version. To train this network, we first need to obtain sufficiently noisy data points. A sample of these noised images are shown below.

Example Image

We use these noised images, specifically thoise with \(\sigma = 0.5\) to train the model, obtaining the following log loss curve.

Example Image

We can watch the evolution of training by visualizing the denoising process after epochs 1 and 5 respectively.

Though they may look similar, the denoised results on the top have small, light wisps and dots near their edges. They can be seen clearly inside the 4 and on top of the 9. These small artifacts are gone after epoch 5.

Example Image
Example Image

Though we only trained with \(\sigma = 0.5\), we test on other sigmas to see how well our model generalizes. Notice that it still seems to pretty well up to and not including \(\sigma = 0.8\). The sigma values in the table below represent the amount of noise added to the image before being denoised. The plotted image is the image after denoising.

Example Image

Part 2.2: Time Conditioned and Class Conditioned UNets

Part 2.2.1: Time Conditioned UNet

We will now architecturally modify our original UNet by allowing it to condition its predictions on the given time step and the given class of digit. This will allwow us to more finely control generation and obtain better denoising results.

We train with these new additions to get the following log loss curve.

Example Image

After the time conditioned model is trained, we can use it for generation by conditioning on the time step t and slowly denoising to produce an image. The preliminary results of this after training for 5 epochs are shown below.

Example Image

Training for another 15 epochs, we get the below generations after 20 epochs of training. Notice that though the images are clearer and less blurry after 20 epochs, they are still not visuall consistent.

Example Image

Part 2.2.2: Class Conditioned UNet

To allow for better generation and to give use more control, we condition our generation on the class of the image. In the case of the MNIST dataset there are 10 classes (10 digits, 0-9). Furthermore, we implement CFG to give us more realistic generations. Training with these modifications gives the following log loss curve.

Example Image

Again, we look at how realistic the generations look throughout training. The following figure shows generations after 5 epochs of training.

Example Image

Notice that the above generations after only 5 epochs are decent due to CFG, but the strokes are still a bit too blurry and thick. The figure below, depicting the images after 20 epochs have much thinner, more precise strokes while maintaining the detail present in natural human writing.

Example Image