Photo Mosaics

Shivansh Baveja

Project 4A: Manual Mosaicing

Project Description

In this project we will implement mosaic stitching through the use of projective perspective transformations. More specifically, we will be using linear warps to combine multiple images into seamless panoramas.

Part 1: Shooting and Digitizing Images

Below are the pairs of images we will be stitching. For the sake of simplicity, we will be starting with two-image panoramas before extending our implementation to accomodate more images.
California Hall
California Hall
Living Room
Living Room

Part 2: Recovering Homographies

Before we can warp our images into alignment, we need to recover the parameters mediating this transformation. We do this by defining a set of correspondences across the images. If we let \( p\) be the vector of points in original image and \(p'\) be the vector in the transformed image, we can say that \( Hp = p'\) where H is a matrix of the following form. $$ H = \begin{bmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & 1 \end{bmatrix} $$ As such, we use the correspondences to solve this matrix equation for the values of H and use this as our project transformation. If we use too few correspondences then the system becomes unstable and we are not provided a precise transformation. As such, we overdetermine the system and use least squares to find the analytically optimal solution. After a bit of matrix-vector manipulation, we arrive at the system below, where the leftmost matrix and rightmost vector are extended for each extra correspondence. $$ \begin{bmatrix} p_1 & p_2 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -p_1 p_1' & -p_2 p_1' \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & p_1 & p_2 & 1 & -p_1 p_2' & -p_2 p_2' \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a \\ b \\ c \\ d \\ e \\ f \\ g \\ h \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} p_1' \\ p_2' \end{bmatrix} $$ To this end, we write a function compute_homography(image, H) that does what is detailed above. We use the point correspondences shown below.

California Hall
California Hall
Living Room
Living Room

Part 3: Warping Images

Now that we have derived the homographies taking one image to another, we can write the function warp_image(image, H) that uses this homography with reverse interpolation to warp the images onto the same plane. This allows for us to easily combine them later in the project. The examples are shown below.

California Hall Balcony Living Room
California Hall Balcony Living Room

Part 4: Image Rectification

To now test our homography calculations and image warping methodology, we warp a known rectangular object to it's predefined shape. I conducted this test on a boardgame box as shown below.

Original Hall Rectified
Original Rectified

Part 5: Mosaic Stitching

Now that we have implemented and checked our various techniques, we will be combining our images into mosaics. Note that the the distance transform, combined with the slight movement of my hand between photos causes a bit of blurriness, which is not an error in the transformation itself. Despite this, these results are visually pleasing and transition smoothly.

California Hall Balcony Living Room
California Hall Balcony Living Room
Overall, this project was a pleasure to work through and provided helpful perspectives on the role of projective transforms in stitching

Project 4B: Automatic Mosaicing

Project Description

This portion of the project involves implementing automatic mosacing software. The primary components of this process are—in very general terms—corner detection, corner choosing, corner matching, and homography extraction. The various methods through which we will achieve these goals are detailed in their respective sections below.

Part 6: Harris Corner Detection

Recalling what we did in part A, to construct an accurate homography between image1 and image2, we require a set of 4 correspondences between these images. Since we are trying to automate this entire process, the first step in this process is to generate a set of candidate coordinate points.

The Harris Corner Detection Algorithm provides a method of generating such a set, using the eigenvalues of the second-moment matrix (SMM) at each pixel. Intuitively, it calculates the gradients (using sobel filters or other similar methods)of each pixel in both the \(x\) and \(y\) directions. It combines these gradients as shown below to create the SMM shown below. We use the eigenvalues of this matrix, which tell us how quickly neighboring pixels change in the two principal directions. If both of the eigenvalues of \(M_{SMM}\) are small, this likely indicates that the pixel is contained in a flat region. Alternatively, one large eigenvalue signifies an edge and two large eigenvalues indicate a corner.

Instead of computing the eigenvalues directly, we use a much faster corner response function shown below. The mathematical equivalences of the above steps are shown below.

\[ I_x = \frac{\partial I}{\partial x} \quad \text{and} \quad I_y = \frac{\partial I}{\partial y} \]

\[ M_{SMM} = \begin{bmatrix} I_x^2 & I_x I_y \\ I_x I_y & I_y^2 \end{bmatrix} \]

\[ R = \text{det}(M_{SMM}) - k \cdot (\text{trace}(M_{SMM}))^2 \]

Depicted below are the outputs of the Harris Corner direction algorithm with different minimum distances between points

\(\text{min_distance} = 1\) \(\text{min_distance} = 10\) \(\text{min_distance} = 15\) \(\text{min_distance} = 20\)
min_distance 1 min_distance 10 min_distance 15 min_distance 20

Notice that if we consider every pixel (\(\text{min_distance} = 1\)), then we have far too many points from which to find matches (if the image is 1000px x 1000px and our matching algorithm is \(O(n^2)\), then it's on the order of \(10^{12}\) operations). However, the issue with using \(\text{min_distance}\) to narrow down this set of points is that we are arbitrarily eliminating points, rather than specifically preserving the "best corners" as signaled by their respective responses.

This idea of systematically narrowing down the number of points between which to find matches is the subject of the next section.

Part 7: Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression (ANMS)

Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression is an algorithm for narrowing down the search space of points on which we will perform feature matching. The intuition and implementation behind this approach is as follows.

  1. For candidate point \(p_i\), we define \(r_i\) to be the largest radius such that it has the largest response of all candidate points within \(r_i\) pixels of \(p_i\). Let \( d(p_i, p_j) \) be the Euclidean distance between points \( p_i \) and \( p_j \), and the response at \( p_i \) be denoted \(r(p_i)\)
  2. \[ r_i = \min \left\{ d(p_i, p_j) \mid r(p_i) > r(p_j) \right\} \]

  3. If we want to retain \(n\) of the "best corners", then we can simply keep the \(n\) points with the largest radii.
  4. To implement this, we can simply sort the candiate points by radii and keep the first \(n\) points.

    \[ \{ p_1, p_2, \dots, p_n \} = \text{top-n} \left\{ p_i \mid r_i \text{ in descending order} \right\} \]

\( n = 500 \) \( n = 100 \) \( n = 50 \)
n = 500 n = 100 n = 50

We see that ANMS gives us well-spaced, corner-looking points most of the time.

Part 8: Feature Descriptor Extraction

Our next task on our journey to finding our homography correspondences is to find which of these points correspond to each other across images. To this end, we extract a feature descriptor for each candidate point as described in Multi-Image Matching using Multi-Scale Oriented Patches. To extract these feature descriptors, we roughly follow the steps below.

  1. Create a 3 layer gaussian stack of the image
  2. Use the anti-aliased, top layer of this stack for the following steps.
  3. Extract a 40px x 40px section around each candiate point.
  4. Sample this 40px x 40px region at every 5px to obtain a 8px x 8px feature descriptor.
  5. Normalize this region for robustness to obtain a zero-mean, unit-variance patch.
  6. Flatten this 8px x 8px region into a vector for future operations.

These anti-aliased feature descriptors capture the general structure and color of a candiate point. Feature descriptors representing three distinct textures in the image are shown below.

Grass Sky Pavement
Grass Sky Pavement

Part 9: Feature Matching & Lowe's Ratio

Now that we have representations with which to compare our candidate points, we can find those that are most similar to each other. We do this using the \(L2\) norm of the difference between the vectorized feature-descriptors of each pair of candidate points.

In order to determine whether two points correspond to each other, we use Lowe's Ratio, which states that if the most similar candidate point is a certain percentage closer than the second closest candiate point, then we have found a correspondence. In my implementation, I used a cutoff threshold of \(30%\) better for the 1-nn.

Below are the feature matches found between my two pictures of California Hall. Note that though it may seem as though the points are too clustered in the image on the left, this is correct and to-be-expected behaviour since my camera was rotated to the right for the other photo. Thus, all feature matches should be on the RHS of the first image.
Left Image Right Image
Left Image Right Image

Part 10: RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC)

Now that we have identified our correspondences, we need to find the four "best" correspondences to determine our homography. The algorithm by which we determine this is known as RANSAC. The steps of the algorithm follow as below.

  1. Choose a random subset of 4 unique correspondences
  2. Calculate the homography determined by these 4 points
  3. Apply this homography to all of the correspondences, and determine whether each of these points are "correctly mapped" to their counterparts within some threshold. If a point is correctly mapped to its correspondence, it's called an "inlier". Alternatively, the point is called an "outlier".
  4. Count up the number of inliers and check if it is the largest number of inliers seen so far.
  5. Go back to step 1 and repeat for a few thousand iterations.

My specific implementation repeats these steps 10,000 times with a threshold of 2px to be considered an inlier. Below are the correspondences determined by RANSAC on my images of California Hall.

Left Image Right Image
Left Image Right Image

Although these correspondences may not seem super intuitive (didn't use the corners of the windows, doors, etc), when examined closely they are extremely accurate, even more so than my manual labelling—as we will see in the next section.

Part 11: Manual vs. Automatic Homographies

With the brunt of the work behind us, we conclude by using our identified correspondeces to calculate a homography and use it to mosaic our images. I will not go into detail on how this is done here, since it is reduntant with Part A. The results comparing my manual mosaicing vs. our automatic approach are shown below.

There are a couple of noteworthy things below. First, the automatic mosaicing is noticeably clearer, indicating that our algorithm produced more accurate correspondences than I was able to by hand. Second, note that running this algorithm gives varied results because of the stochasticity inherent in RANSAC. Running the automatic mosaiciing algorithm multiple times and using the more visually crisp result is advisable

California Hall Balcony Living Room
Automatic Mosaicing Automatic California Hall Automatic Balcony Automatic Living Room
Manual Mosaicing Manual California Hall Manual Balcony Manual Living Room

Overall, I really enjoyed various aspects of this project, including the step-by-step approach taken to solving our correspondence-identification problem. Furthermore, I wasn't expecting our automated algorithm to outperform my hand-labeled correspondences, which it did.